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The procedure for applications and appeals in the Israeli population and immigration authority


The Interior Ministry (MOI) has established a comprehensive procedure for handling applications and appeals. This article provides an overview of the key aspects of this procedure, focusing on how applications and appeals are received and processed by the MOI offices.

Scope of the MOI instruction 

The procedure applies only to applications and appeals regarding decisions made by the MOI regional offices in the areas of visas, citizenship, registration, and passports, unless otherwise specified.

Key points of the procedure

Acceptance of applications and appeals: The MOI is required to accept any application or appeal, regardless of its likelihood of rejection. However, applicants can be informed if their application does not meet the criteria and is unlikely to be approved, but if they still wish to proceed, their application must be accepted and processed as usual.

Applicants whose requests are denied: Applicants who have been denied status in Israel are required to leave the country by the date specified in the refusal decision. The submission of an application or internal appeal, or setting an appointment for such, does not prevent deportation or detention unless otherwise specified in specific MOI procedures, including enforcement policies, or if a judicial decision orders a delay in execution. However, if you’re represented, the lawyer can prevent the situation when you will need to leave the country.

Conditions and requirements for applications

Submitting applications at MOI offices: Applications related to visas and citizenship should be submitted at the MOI office in the applicant’s residential area, subject to providing a rental contract/purchase of an apartment and current proof of various payments for the intended residence. Exceptions include applications for extension of B/1 visas for foreign workers in caregiving and agriculture, which are submitted via email to the Work Permit Department through authorized private offices handling foreign workers in caregiving.

Applicants not residing in Israel: If the status applicant is not residing in Israel, the application should be submitted by an Israeli invitee (citizen/permanent resident) at the MOI office in the invitee’s residential area. If the invitee previously resided in Israel but does not have an Israeli invitee, the application should be submitted through a representative at the office where the invitee’s file was handled and the last permit was granted.

Appointment for application submission: Applicants must schedule an appointment at the office for submitting their application. 

Application form and fee: Applicants must fill out the application form according to the requested license/permit/citizenship, pay the relevant fee, and attach all required documents as per the procedures, including supporting documents. The application form must be filled out by the applicant, not by a PIA employee.

Conditions and requirements for appeals

Submitting internal appeals: Generally, only one internal appeal can be submitted against a decision made by any of the MOI bodies, unless specified otherwise in the relevant procedure. The appeal must be submitted in writing without delay and no later than 21 days from the date of receiving the decision, only at the Population Administration office where the decision was made.

Appeal reception: Upon receiving the appeal at the office, it must be confirmed with a “Received” stamp, including the date of reception and details and signature of the employee confirming the reception. If the appeal is sent by fax, its reception is only considered after a confirmation is sent to the applicant from the office on the first page of the appeal, marked “Received” with the employee’s details and signature.

Appeal processing: The appeal is processed according to the hierarchy specified in the procedure. The decision on the appeal is updated in the computerized registration sheet and a reasoned written notice is sent to the appellant on the letterhead of the decision-making place. The notice also mentions the judicial authority to which an appeal or petition against the decision can be submitted.


The procedure for handling applications and appeals in the MOI was prepared to ensure fairness and transparency. It emphasizes the importance of adhering to the specified timelines and requirements for both applications and appeals. This procedure reflects the MOI’s commitment to providing equitable service to all applicants, regardless of their sector or country of origin.