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Entry to Israel- legal rights at the border control

Traveling to another country is an opportunity to experience a new culture, history and people.

However, sometimes travelers encounter unexpected obstacles, such as being detained at the airport. Israel is a rather closed country when it comes to immigration, and the complex security situation imposes strict rules for entering the country. It is therefore highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the contents of this article before traveling to Israel.

If you arrive in Israel and are detained at passport control, it is important to remain calm and ask for an explanation of the reason for the detention. Passport control officers are obliged to provide clear information about the reasons for the detention, as well as the next steps and procedures.

In some cases, passport control officers may contact the person who invited you to Israel and ask them to confirm the authenticity of your intentions to stay in Israel, or even ask that a guarantee will be deposited at the Border control authority  in order to be assured of your visa compliance.

Passport control officers are required to conduct the interview in your native language, if none of the passport control officers speaks your native language, then you shall have an interpreter present.

Your personal data, reasons for travel and other confidential information shall not be disclosed to third parties without your authorization.

Any searches or interviews shall be conducted with respect for your dignity and personal boundaries. No violence or threats are allowed.

Consular services in your country can provide support, information about local laws and procedures. In some cases, the consulate may act as an intermediary between you and the local authorities.

You may need legal advice to understand all aspects of your situation. Passport control officers shall give you the opportunity to contact, and in some cases personally meet a lawyer in the arrivals area. If you are refused entry into Israel, a lawyer can file an urgent request to delay the implementation of the deportation decision in order to appeal to the Special Appeals Tribunal and overturn the deportation decision. However, this appeal can be submitted only while you are still in Israel. If you have been deported, you need to go through a different legal process.

If you have a health problem, you shall be given medical attention. Do not hesitate to ask for a medical examination or medication.

Detention at the airport is an emotionally difficult situation that can injure the experience of traveling. However, knowing your rights, you can minimize the negative consequences of such a situation by seeking the help of an immigration attorney.

It is important to remember that human rights shall be respected by the authorities of any country, and Israel is no exception.