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An inheritance order in Israel

In Israel, obtaining an inheritance order is an important process that requires proper documentation and professional legal guidance. Obtaining an inheritance order is the first step towards acquiring inherited property. The process of obtaining an inheritance order in case there is a will and in case there is no will – is different. In this article, we will discuss the steps to obtain an inheritance order, as well as a list of the necessary documents.

Currently, an inheritance order issued by the registrar for inheritance affairs is processed in a digital (computerized) format and is simultaneously sent to the applicant. It is also automatically transmitted to various organizations that may hold the deceased’s assets.

The applicant can file an application for inheritance order in Israel in case the deceased’s permanent place of residence was in Israel at the time of his passing. It’s important to note that the definition of permanent residence in inheritance differs from that used in the Law of Return or social insurance.

An application for an inheritance order can be submitted if the following conditions are met:

  1. The deceased did not leave a will.
  2. The applicant is one of the lawful heirs of the deceased or is an heir of an heir.

According to the Inheritance Law, there are three lines of inheritance, which include descendants, parents, and descendants of parents, as well as grandparents. When there are heirs in the first line, i.e., descendants or descendants of descendants, they inherit the entire estate, even if the deceased had parents, and so on. When there are no heirs in the first line, the heirs in the second line, i.e., the parents of the deceased and their descendants, inherit.

Heirs named in a will can be any individuals specified in the will, regardless of their blood relationship with the deceased.

To submit an application for an inheritance order, the following documents are required:

  1. Death certificate of the deceased.
  2. Will of the deceased (if available).
  3. Documents confirming the family relationship between the applicant and the deceased.
  4. Documents confirming the existence of assets that will become part of the inheritance.

It’s important to be aware that document requirements may vary depending on the specific circumstances, so it’s advisable to seek guidance from an experienced attorney.

In Israel, obtaining an inheritance order is a complex process, and professional legal assistance is often essential. An expert in this field can help you prepare and submit all the necessary documents and provide guidance on current legislation and procedures. After submitting the application, it is necessary to wait for the grant of inheritance to be issued before the deceased’s assets can be transferred to the heirs.

In conclusion, obtaining a grant of inheritance in Israel is a complex and responsible process that requires careful adherence to rules and laws. It is recommended to seek legal assistance to ensure that all procedures are carried out correctly and in compliance with the law. Following all the necessary steps will help you successfully inherit property and avoid delays.